29 Ways to Say ‘No’ to a Toddler

Apparently, it’s best not to over-use the word ‘no’ with toddlers, or it begins to lose all meaning. Easier said than done when your small person spends most of its time balancing on unstable objects and cramming dangerous-looking articles into its mouth. Here are a few alternatives, anyway… That’s not […]

Have a Baby, Lose Your Mind

Throughout pregnancy, people often refer to having ‘baby brain’. And while medical studies do note changes to a woman’s brain throughout pregnancy and for two years after birth (specifically in relation to the brain’s response to seeing your child’s face), there’s no actual evidence that motherhood makes you more forgetful. […]

Things I Never Did Before I Was a Parent

 Thought you wouldn’t be one of those mums? Think again. Here are 12 things I never thought I’d do… Before becoming a mum. Just put another jumper on to cover up a vomit stain on the one underneath, rather than actually taking the offending item off Say “Thank God for […]

It. Never. Stops.

I’m the first of my friends to have a baby, so I get asked a lot to describe motherhood. Obviously I wheel out all the old classics. “It’s exhausting, ha ha!” I say with a laugh as I mentally calculate the number of broken hours of sleep I had the […]

A month in the life… 15 months old

5 poignant parenting moments from the last month I’ve been too busy to blog of late (working hard, sleeping hard), but while I’ve been away, Jack seems to have stopped being a baby, and become a real little person. From the moment he mastered walking properly, it’s like he’s in […]