The 17 best things about being pregnant

Since I spend most of my life being sarcastic and/or moaning about the incompetence of myself or others, I thought it would be good to pause, and think of all the things that are grrrrrreat about being pregnant. 1. Hopefully get a cute little baby at the end of it. […]

A bump and the matter of public property

“Hello casual acquaintance. I hope you’re well? And may I say, you have an unusually large nose for a 29-year-old.”No, that doesn’t go down well in social situations. So why is it appropriate to pass comment on the size of a near-stranger’s baby bump? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking […]

Kate Hudson rubbed my baby bump

And made me really, really happy. At Tuesday night’s Glamour Awards, I was on the red carpet as usual doing all the celeb interviews – and half way through my interview with Kate Hudson she noticed I was pregnant, and this happened… The bump has friends in high places already. […]

Brits Abroad

Reasons for going on holiday include: to relax; the experience different cultures; to see another part of the world; to relax a bit more.  The different culture element, particularly experiencing the cuisine, architecture, local customs etc has always been a major factor for me. But every once in a while, […]

Pregnancy week 21: Nailed it

I have a tendency to be cynical. I find the cloud to every silver lining. But this week I’ve discovered a true upside to being pregnant. A beauty upside, that is. As a beauty editor there are certain expectations in the grooming department. I should, in theory, have nice nails […]

Pants and fears

A pivotal moment in my pregnancy, or possibly life at a larger scale… Going into Marks & Spencer with my mum and buying the exact same pants. Is that it now? Have I turned into my mother? Only time (and pants) will tell.

The awkward bump

The second trimester is supposed to be the good part of pregnancy. The sickness has stopped, your ‘pretty hormones’ kick in (hair thickens, skin starts to glow, people say ‘wow you look well etc etc’), you’re not yet as big as a house so can enjoy being pregnant without drastically […]

A love letter to red wine

Dear red wine. I miss you. Since we’ve been apart (four months and 11 days, not that I’m counting), you’ve been everywhere around me. As I write this the lady next to me on the train is drinking you, from a mini plastic bottle decanted into a flimsy clear plastic […]

Things to do while pregnant – 20 weeks

Answer = Get new hair. Since I’ve been pregnant, I’ve thought of practically nothing else. Which I guess is normal, given that I’ve never grown another human before. But it can be pretty consuming: nine months is a long time to entertain just the one thought. I hadn’t been to […]