A love letter to red wine

Dear red wine. I miss you. Since we’ve been apart (four months and 11 days, not that I’m counting), you’ve been everywhere around me. As I write this the lady next to me on the train is drinking you, from a mini plastic bottle decanted into a flimsy clear plastic […]

Things to do while pregnant – 20 weeks

Answer = Get new hair. Since I’ve been pregnant, I’ve thought of practically nothing else. Which I guess is normal, given that I’ve never grown another human before. But it can be pretty consuming: nine months is a long time to entertain just the one thought. I hadn’t been to […]

Feeling baby kick for the first time

I’d read online about feeling your baby kick, expecting to feel some ‘movement’ at around 18-20 weeks (thanks NHS etc) that felt like flutters. And I did – at around 16-17 weeks I felt bubble like feelings in my tummy that at first I couldn’t tell if they were the […]

Welcome to My Spare Room Project

Since I’ve been pregnant, my Googling habits have broadened considerably. No longer do I simply alternate searches for ‘funny cat’ and ‘baby sloths’ mixed in with the usual ‘London weather’ and ‘BBC Football’. I now search ‘16 weeks pregnant baby size’ and ‘eat cheesecake while pregnant’ (< that one crops […]